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​Life Groups

Groups That Meet Regularly Based on Shared Interests


UFO (unfinished objects) - Wednesday, December 4 from 12p-3p
We will meet the first Wednesday of the month in the dining area.
Come and enjoy the fellowship even if you have no UFO to work on.  Bring lunch if you wish.  Cookies and coffee will be provided.  Your UFO may be needlework, scrapbooking, organizing photos/recipes, knitting, crocheting, or anything else you like to do.  Any questions, call Pat Loeswick.    
CHURCH STRETCH:  Exercise for Body and Soul:  Mondays at 6pm
Diane Charsley leads light exercise and stretch sessions on Mondays for men & women of all fitness abilities. Come pray with your body and soul!

Our Pastor's Study book group continues on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays at either 11:00am or 7:30pm. These discussions will be offered in a hybrid format, meaning you can join Pastor Rebecca in the Parlor for the study, or log in from home via Zoom. Here are the two upcoming books, and the dates we will discuss them:

Wednesday, November 13, 11:00 am or 7:30pm, when we will discuss Kate Bowler's Everything Happens for a Reason

(And Other Lies I've Loved), 1 of 2 (Chapters 1-5)

Wednesday, December 11, 11:00 am or 7:30pm, when we will discuss Kate Bowler's Everything Happens for a Reason

(And Other Lies I've Loved), 2 of 2 (Chapters 6-9)

Wednesday, January 8, 11:00 am or 7:30pm, when we will discuss Tish Harrison Warren’s Prayer in the Night: For Those Who Work, or Watch, or Weep, 1 of 4 (Part 1: Chapters 1, 2)

Wednesday, January 22, 11:00 am or 7:30pm, when we will discuss Tish Harrison Warren’s Prayer in the Night: For Those Who Work, or Watch, or Weep, 2 of 4 (Part 2: Chapters 3, 4, 5)

Wednesday, February 12, 11:00 am or 7:30pm, when we will discuss Tish Harrison Warren’s Prayer in the Night: For Those Who Work, or Watch, or Weep, 3 of 4 (Part 3: Chapters 6-12)

Wednesday, February 26, 11:00 am or 7:30pm, when we will discuss Tish Harrison Warren’s Prayer in the Night: For Those Who Work, or Watch, or Weep, 4 of 4 (Part 4: Chapter 13


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