First Presbyterian
Church of Tonawanda
Because God's
love is for all
Everyone is always welcome.
We pray that God may bless you with
peace, inspiration, and strength. We are a community, seeking to learn what it means
to follow Jesus. No matter what you may
be going through no matter where
you may be on your faith journey,
you are most welcome here!

God Loves Me Story Time
Every Tuesday 10:00-11:30
Register here

Live Worship Steaming available and Service in Church
at 10:30AM Sundays!!!
It will be streamed on Facebook Live on our Facebook page
NEWS FOR THE PEWS February 13, 2025
Hi Friends,
This part of winter seems the coldest. We're done with holidays, and the charm of snowfall has worn off. We're just digging out, or when it's icy like this week, chipping our way out of our homes. Nature is hibernating.
This week, if you have a safe way to get here, see if you can show up for service on Sunday. You'll find your community warm and eager to see you. Connect with God through your connections within the body of Christ. And bring a friend--they may need a church home more than you know.
Join FPCT for worship this Sunday, February 16, 2025, at 10:30am in person and livestreamed on Facebook. Our 2025 storytelling theme continues with “Like a Tree Planted by Water.” We’ve taken our mission from these scriptures, praying to grow in faith together. What’s the story for us? Scriptures this week include Jeremiah 17:5-10, Psalm 1, and Luke 6:17-26. Join us to pray together, hear stories from scripture, find your church home, here at First Presbyterian Church of Tonawanda.
See you soon,
Pastor Rebecca
1. Message from the Stewardship and Finance Committees:
The Leadership of our church is so thankful for the dedicated members and friends of our church who continue to contribute to the finances.
A key component of the finances and budgeting process is the Pledge Drive.
So far this year a total of 27 pledges totaling $92,158 have been turned in. Although the pledged amount does not cover the entire expense
of our budget it is the major component. I would encourage anyone who has not yet done so, to please send one in.
Thank you for making a commitment to our church.
2. Our Pastor's Study book group continues on the 2nd and 4th(or 5th) Wednesdays at either 11:00am or 7:00pm. These discussions will be offered in a hybrid format, meaning you can join Pastor Rebecca in the Parlor for the study, or log in from home via Zoom. Here is the book, and the date we will discuss it:
Wednesday, February 26, 11:00 am or 7:00pm, when we will discuss Tish Harrison Warren’s Prayer in the Night: For Those Who Work, or Watch, or Weep, 4 of 4 (Part 4: Chapter 13)
Book is available in Kindle, Audiobook, Paperback, Hardcover, and Used formats from booksellers. Click the image for the Amazon link.
Church Stretch - Exercise for Body and Soul: Mondays at 6pm
Diane Charsley leads light exercise and stretch sessions on Mondays for men & women of all fitness abilities. Come pray with your body and soul!
God Loves Me Storytime – Tuesdays: 10am-11:30am
Preschoolers and their caregivers are invited to a weekly story time with stories about God’s love.Free play and crafts will be available along
with a snack and a prayer.
Body and Soul Pantry:
The Body and Soul Pantry is up and running again thanks to a new structure built by Brian Burns. Many thanks to Brian for building the closet. If you have any questions, please contact Marilee Mathias. The pantry could use the following items:
Shaving Cream (5oz)/razors
Bar soap
Toilet paper
Cereal/instant oatmeal
Canned vegetables/fruit
Canned soup with pop-tops
* Discord church server
Reach out to Billy or Pastor Rebecca to be added to the Discord server. We're beginning to use this to share CE files and curriculum, as well as offer an open space to chat and share.
* Church To-Do list has been moved across the narthex to the Outreach board for easier access. Be sure to check to see what you can do!!
Church T-shirts - All orders have come in. If you need a different size or color, sign up on the sheet or let us know in the office.
The Deacons are organizing coffee hour every Sunday after worship. Please join in for fellowship and coffee; the sign-up sheet is in the Narthex.
Adult Sunday School
Please take a few minutes & read the appointed Lectionary Readings that we are using to find YOUR special message.
Our VERY INFORMAL class meets at 9:30am each Sunday morning
Jer 17:5-10; 1Cor 15:12-20; Luke 6:17-26; Ps 1
How Do These All Come Together?
TRUST in God
*Jeremiah gives us a comparison of putting our TRUST in God or “trusting” other humans. We will either be a strong tree planted in good soil with deep roots that extend way out, or be a shrub wasting away in the desert.
* Paul wants us to know that God sent us His Son & raised Him from the dead so that we can TRUST in Him for our forgiveness & eternal life.
*Jesus gives us the benefits & rewards of TRUSTING in Him & warns those who turn against believers, or who “trust” in other humans, of their fate.
*The Psalm reminds us that God has had this PLAN in mind all along; that TRUSTING in Him & not in humans will allow us to, “…they will prosper in all they do”.
Question for you:
Are you a “tree” of are you a “shrub”?
If you have a prayer request, please contact Pastor Rebecca at 315-317-6140 or the church office at 716-692-1319.
Thursday, Feb 13
10:00am Alcoholics Anonymous (Circle II Basement)
6:00pm-8:00pm Choirs Practice
Saturday, Feb 15
10:00am Alcoholics Anonymous (Circle II Basement)
Sunday, Feb 16
9:30am All Age Faith Formation (Parlor)
10:30 am Sunday Worship for all ages (Sanctuary)
11:30am Coffee Fellowship for all ages (Parlor)
Monday, Feb 17
10:00 am Alcoholics Anonymous (Circle II Basement)
6:00pm Church Stretch
7:00pm Session
Tuesday, Feb 18
9:00am – 2:00pm Office Hours
10:00am-11:30am God Loves Me Storytime
Wednesday, Feb 19
9:00am – 2:00pm Office Hours
Thursday, Feb 20
10:00am Alcoholics Anonymous (Circle II Basement)
6:00pm-8:00pm Choirs Practice
Saturday, Feb 22
10:00am Alcoholics Anonymous (Circle II Basement)
Sunday, Feb 23
9:30am All Age Faith Formation (Parlor)
10:30 am Sunday Worship for all ages (Sanctuary)
11:30am Coffee Fellowship for all ages (Parlor)
List of Officers
SESSION 2024-2025
Diane Charsley & Clerk of Session
Tom Dugan, Treasurer
Michael Barry
Nancy Rolando
Sue Schurr
Billy Welch
DEACONS 2024-2025
Betsy Crocker, Moderator
Linda Barry
Gail Borycki
Laura Marohn
Bonnie Sibley
Associates: Lynn Hyland, Treasurer
Marlene Tyrrell, Sunshine
- Tom Dugan
Church Parking Lot
Please, if you are able to walk, we would appreciate if you would park on the surrounding streets near the church
and leave the spaces in our parking lot for our folks who need them most. Thanks very much.
Hunger Sunday:
Don't forget that the third Sunday of the month is Hunger Sunday. Food and cash donations are welcome
and proceeds are donated to the Twin Cities Community Outreach. Any food items may be dropped off at Donna and Bruce Blinston's front porch at 25 Elmwood Park West. Thank you for your continued support.