First Presbyterian
Church of Tonawanda
Because God's
love is for all
Everyone is always welcome.
We pray that God may bless you with
peace, inspiration, and strength. We are a community, seeking to learn what it means
to follow Jesus. No matter what you may
be going through no matter where
you may be on your faith journey,
you are most welcome here!
God Loves Me Story Time
Every Tuesday 10:00-11:30
Register here
Live Worship Steaming available and Service in Church
at 10:30AM Sundays!!!
It will be streamed on Facebook Live on our Facebook page
FROM THE PASTOR October 3, 2024
Dear Friends,
This is a busy time of year, restarting school, church, and work projects after summer vacations. By October we begin to wonder where September went, with all of the busy-ness in our lives.
We continue to offer something to the congregation and the community just about every day of the week at FPCT! Have you tried one of the new programs or events?
If you would like to gather tomorrow, Friday, from 6 to 8, for Friday Friendzee, plan to pick up take-out or bring a light supper and we'll
gather in the courtyard to enjoy some final moments outdoors together before the weather turns. Call or email Pastor Rebecca by noon Friday (tomorrow) if you plan to attend.
We celebrate a wedding, a funeral, and World Communion this weekend. Our prayers are with Julie Rayner and Alex Sawicki, as well as
with the family and friends of Mike Donovan. (All are welcome to remain after worship Sunday for Mike's memorial at noon.) We'll have
a simple, self-serve coffee time for those who wish to visit after worship.
And then, next Saturday, October 12, plan to come out and hear Judson Bridgewater introduce us to more Godly Play stories and give us
a chance to work with the stories together. Breakfast and lunch provided, beginning at 9:30am.
Join FPCT for worship this Sunday, October 6, 2024, at 10:30am in person and livestreamed on Facebook. “Created for Community” continues our Fall theme of building community as a family of faith. Scriptures this week include Genesis 2:18-24, Psalm 8, and
Mark 10:2-16. Join us to pray together, hear stories from scripture, and celebrate World Communion Sunday together, here at First Presbyterian Church of Tonawanda.
See you soon,
Pastor Rebecca
New Presbytery Book Group
Life After Doom: Wisdom and Courage for a World Falling Apart, Brian McLaren
The Center for Christian Growth cordially invites you to join our discussions of Brian McLaren’s newly published Life After Doom. As McLaren outlines in this introduction, this book was written for anyone and everyone who have reached the point where not facing their unpeaceful, uneasy, feelings about the future of this planet have become more draining than facing them.
Jim Anatal, author of Climate Church, Climate World concludes that “McLaren invites us to live a new and redemptive story.” Life After Doom describes the complexity of hope, the necessity of grief, and the need for a new way of thinking, becoming and being in these turbulent times.
For me, McLaren’s thoughtful approach to the state of our planet is best to be read in community with other Christians. We need the
support of our community as we face the reality of our planet’s future together. We’ll begin Wednesdays at 6:30PM, beginning September 25, 2024. Join us in person at First Presbyterian Church, Tonawanda, 149 Broad Street, or by zoom. Contact Debbie Katz at 716 389-2023 for more information
- Church Stretch - Exercise for Body and Soul: Mondays at 6pm
Diane Charsley leads light exercise and stretch sessions on Mondays for men & women of all fitness abilities. Come pray with your body and soul!
- God Loves Me Storytime – Tuesdays: 10am-11:30am
Preschoolers and their caregivers are invited to a weekly story time with stories about God’s love.Free play and crafts will be available along with a snack and a prayer
- CCG WNY Book Study: Life After Doom - Wednesday Evenings at 6:30pm
This book study is held in person at First Pres Church or by zoom.Contact Debbie Katz at 716-389-2023 for more information.
- Circle 2.1 – Wednesday, October 16 at 10am
Circle 2.1 is hosting, “My U.S. Government Career,” – a presentation by Diane Charsley. Join us for this informative, interesting presentation. All are welcome. Refreshments will be served.
- Elementary School Project Elementary School Project
The Deacons are sponsoring the Elementary School Project once again. These items are used by the elementary school nurse when there is an accident which makes a change of clothing necessary. Your donation of underwear, socks, sneakers, and pants can help make a child comfortable after an uncomfortable event. The list of sizes are listed below. The Tonawanda Clothes Closet is also in need of adult and child size clothing, new or gently used. This is at the high school and is available to anyone in need; any unused articles that the Elementary School doesn’t use will be sent to the Tonawanda High School Clothes Closet. Totes are in the Narthex.
The school could use the following:
Underwear - boys and girls sizes 6 and 8
Socks – boys and girls socks for shoe sizes 12-3
Sneakers – kids sizes 12-3, new or gently used
Clothing – boys and girls size 6 and 8 thru adult, stretch waist heavy weight pants & easy on tops. Any unused items will be sent to the Tonawanda High School Clothes Closet.
- The Body and Soul Pantry is up and running again thanks to a new structure built by Brian Burns. Many thanks to Brian for building the closet. If you have any questions, please contact Marilee Mathias. The pantry could use the following items:
Shaving Cream (5oz)/razors
Bar soap
Toilet paper
Cereal/instant oatmeal
Canned vegetables/fruit
Canned soup with pop-tops
* Discord church server
Reach out to Billy or Pastor Rebecca to be added to the Discord server. We're beginning to use this to share CE files and curriculum, as well as offer an open space to chat and share.
* Church To-Do list has been moved across the narthex to the Outreach board for easier access. Be sure to check to see what you can do!!
Church T-shirts - All orders have come in. If you need a different size or color, sign up on the sheet or let us know in the office.
The Deacons are organizing coffee hour every Sunday after worship. Please join in for fellowship and coffee; the sign-up sheet is in the Narthex.
Adult Sunday School
Please take a few minutes & read the appointed Lectionary Readings that we are using to find YOUR special message.
Our class meets at 9:30am each Sunday morning
Gen 2:18-24; Heb 1:1-4,2:5-12; Mark 10:2-16; Ps 8
How Do These All Come Together?
“Man’s” beginning & responsibility:
*In Genesis we learn how man/woman were formed & how “marriage” had its very beginning, “This explains why a man leaves his father & mother & is joined to his wife, & the two are united into one.”
*Hebrews shows us where God places “man/woman” in the heavenly hierarchy & their responsibility, “You made them only a little lower than the angels & crowned them with glory & honor. You gave them authority over all things.”
*In Mark, Jesus wants us to know that marriage isn’t to be taken lightly, but that as a last result, divorce is permitted. He also wants “man/woman” to have the FAITH & TRUST like a child – pure & total - & to bring the little ones to Him. ”Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of God belongs to those who are like these children.”
*David’s Psalm recognizes that “man/woman”, “…have been made only a little lower than God” & “..given them charge of everything you have made.”
Question for you:
As one of God’s very own man/woman, how pure & child-like is your FAITH & TRUST in God/Christ?
If you have a prayer request, please contact Pastor Rebecca at 315-317-6140 or the church office at 716-692-1319.
Thursday, Oct 3
9:00am – 2:00pm Office Hours
10:00am Alcoholics Anonymous (Circle II Basement)
5:00pm Rayner Wedding Rehearsal
6:00pm-8:00pm Choirs Practice
Friday, Oct 4
6:00pm-8:00pm Friday Friendzee
Saturday, Oct 5
10:00am Alcoholics Anonymous (Circle II Basement)
1:30pm Rayner Wedding
Sunday, Oct 6
9:30am All Age Faith Formation (Parlor)
10:30 am Sunday Worship for all ages (Sanctuary)
11:30am Coffee Fellowship for all ages (Parlor)
12:00pm Memorial Service – Mike Donovan
Monday, Oct 7
10:00 am Alcoholics Anonymous (Circle II Basement)
6:00pm Church Stretch
Tuesday, Oct 8
9:00am – 2:00pm Office Hours
10:00am-11:30am God Loves Me Storytime
Wednesday, Oct 9
9:00am – 2:00pm Office Hours
11:00am Deep Talk
6:00pm Deep Talk
6:30pm CCG WNY Book Study: Life After Doom
Thursday, Oct 10
9:00am – 2:00pm Office Hours
10:00am Alcoholics Anonymous (Circle II Basement)
6:00pm-8:00pm Choirs Practice
Saturday, Oct 12
9:30am-3:00pm Godly Play Taster Demo/Training
10:00am Alcoholics Anonymous (Circle II Basement)
Sunday, Oct 13
9:30am All Age Faith Formation (Parlor)
10:30 am Sunday Worship for all ages (Sanctuary)
11:30am Coffee Fellowship for all ages (Parlor)
List of Officers
SESSION 2024-2025
Diane Charsley & Clerk of Session
Tom Dugan, Treasurer
Michael Barry
Nancy Rolando
Sue Schurr
Billy Welch
DEACONS 2024-2025
Betsy Crocker, Moderator
Linda Barry
Gail Borycki
Laura Marohn
Bonnie Sibley
Associates: Lynn Hyland, Treasurer
Marlene Tyrrell, Sunshine
- Tom Dugan
Church Parking Lot
Please, if you are able to walk, we would appreciate if you would park on the surrounding streets near the church
and leave the spaces in our parking lot for our folks who need them most. Thanks very much.
Hunger Sunday:
Don't forget that the third Sunday of the month is Hunger Sunday. Food and cash donations are welcome
and proceeds are donated to the Twin Cities Community Outreach. Any food items may be dropped off at Donna and Bruce Blinston's front porch at 25 Elmwood Park West. Thank you for your continued support.